Friday, September 21, 2007

Shoot 'Em Up

SHOOT 'EM UP (2007) - Sept. 21, 2007
A way over-the-top action film about a British tough-guy who takes it upon himself to protect a baby from a legion of assassins, lead by a sinister Paul Giamatti. The film is cartoonish and overblown, and features almost no down-time between action sequences. It's never all that great, though for a while it's engaging enough -- but then it starts to wear out its welcome. It doesn't help that while the action is competently done, there's nothing really special about it (it's actually kind of bland once you get past how ridiculously over-the-top it is). Clive Owen was good (though I still don't know if I buy his American accent), though Paul Giamatti was definitely the highlight. **

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