Friday, September 14, 2007

Flash Point

FLASH POINT (2007) - Sept. 14, 2007
Wow! After the terrible SPL, the most I was expecting out of this film was one or two good action scenes. But man! Everything about this movie was about a trillion times better than SPL. The plot, involving a gritty cop and his undercover partner trying to take down a group of thugs, was pretty cheesy, but it was like Serpico compared to SPL. It at least -- and this is all you really need in a movie like this -- kept things moving between the action scenes. And unlike SPL, the movie managed to have a fairly decent action scene every fifteen minutes or so. And pretty much all of the action was really exciting, and really well done. And then -- oh man -- there was the last action scene. Sweet Jesus. It was, quite literally, one of the best things I've ever seen in my entire life. It was amazingly exciting, and brutal, and gritty, and it just keeps going, and every time you think that both characters have certainly had enough, it goes on even longer. It was awesome. It was better than awesome. It was certainly one of the best action scenes I've ever seen. I just... wow. That's all I can really say about that scene. ***1/2

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