Saturday, December 27, 2008


VALKYRIE (2008) - Dec. 27, 2008
An entertaining thriller about the failed attempt to assassinate Hitler and overthrow his government near the end of WWII. It's a bit light on character development, but that's pretty much a non-issue as the film still does a good job of building tension and remaining enjoyable throughout. Though obviously German with English subtitles would have been ideal, the film at least allows the actors to speak naturally, rather than try to have them all attempt German accents. ***

Friday, December 26, 2008

Bee Movie

BEE MOVIE (2007) - Dec. 26, 2008
A cute animated movie about a bee who decides to sue the human race after discovering that people have been stealing and selling their honey. The film is essentially entertaining throughout, though it's definitely better for the first little while, before the whole "bee lawsuit" silliness kicks in. It's decent enough, but somewhat underwhelming considering that this is Jerry Seinfeld's first major project since his classic sitcom. **1/2

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

About a man who is born old and ages backwards, this was a really well made and well acted film. It's quite long (almost three hours) but certainly never boring. Though the film traces the whole life of Benjamin Button, it is surprisingly uneventful; this is the type of movie that just slowly washes over you. I enjoyed it, and I suspect that it'll get better on repeat viewings. ***1/2

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Seven Pounds

SEVEN POUNDS (2008) - Dec. 17, 2008
Well made and very well acted but saddled with a narrative structure that keeps the audience at an arm's length for most of the movie, this is a decent film that could have easily been so much better. About a mysterious man who seems to want to help people, though his motivations (and ultimate goal) are kept obscure for almost the entire running-time of the film. This mysteriousness results in a film which is woefully uneven -- the parts with his burgeoning relationship with Rosario Dawson are quite compelling, but it's hard to become too involved in the rest of the film when the audience is left so thoroughly in the dark. **1/2

Friday, December 12, 2008

Punisher: War Zone

PUNISHER: WAR ZONE (2008) - Dec. 12, 2008
I was sure there was nowhere to go but up after the insipid Thomas Jane version from a couple of years ago, but this was just as bad, if not a little bit worse. This was an unpleasantly boring, disjointed mess of a film. Ray Stevenson was a good choice for the Punisher, but he's completely wasted here -- the role, as portrayed in this film, doesn't even require an actor, just a guy who can look tough while holding a gun. The movie was pretty violent, I guess -- or so I could gather from the ridiculously over-the-top squishy sound effects during all the action scenes -- but it was cut so choppily it was hard to tell. I think one of the many, many problems with War Zone is that it seems to spend less time with the Punisher than with the villain and his cronies, who all seem to be played for camp value -- subtlety is definitely not a word in this film's vocabulary. It really doesn't help that it's clear right from the opening frames that Lexi Alexander is completely inept as a director -- the non-action stuff looks ugly and unpleasant, and the action is almost completely incoherent. I never thought I'd be longing for the comparatively sure hand of Jonathan Hensleigh, but here we are. *1/2

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Gran Torino

GRAN TORINO (2008) - Dec. 10, 2008
I think Clint Eastwood can basically do no wrong as a director at this point. Though this was probably the weakest of his most recent batch of films, it was still quite good -- it was well directed, of course, and featured a really good performance from the man himself. Though I wish the trailer hadn't given away so much of the plot (it pretty much gives away the entire movie), it doesn't really matter all that much; the film is much more about the quiet moments between the characters than it is about the stuff that happens. ***

Monday, December 08, 2008

Yes Man

YES MAN (2008) - Dec. 8, 2008
A basically entertaining film about a man who decides to improve his life by saying "yes" to everything (hmmm, what sounds familiar about that title and premise...?). It's pretty funny in parts, and mostly enjoyable, though the repetitive nature of the film does get wearisome after a while, and the expectedly melodramatic third act was expectedly (and unfortunately) melodramatic. Regardless, it's easily Jim Carrey's best comedy in quite a while, and a definite step in the right direction. **1/2