Wednesday, September 12, 2007


BILL (2007) - Sept. 12, 2007
This generally isn't the type of film you expect to see at a film festival, but it was enjoyable and a welcome change of pace. About a working-class schlub, under the thumb of his rich father-in-law and brother-in-law, who dreams of more for his life -- specifically, to own a franchise of a Krispy Kreme-esque donut store. Aaron Eckhart was quite good in the main role, and the movie had some memorable supporting roles (Timothy Olyphant was a standout as a smug news anchor). There wasn't anything particularly memorable about this film, but it was entertaining (though it does wear out its welcome a tad near the end) and had some genuinely funny moments (particularly one part, which I have been chuckling about for pretty much the entire day). ***

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