Sunday, September 09, 2007

Boy A

BOY A (2007) - Sept. 9, 2007
An exceptionally well made character study about a young man, recently released from prison after committing a notorious crime as a child, who tries to make a new life for himself. The film is really well directed and written, and is anchored by a stunning lead performance from Andrew Garfield, who -- if there were any justice -- would certainly have an Oscar in his future (or at least a nomination). The film alternates between showing us Jack (his new name) in the present, and snippets of the past, leading up to the crime. This structure works perfectly, building up a fair amount of tension as we wonder what it is exactly that Jack did. It's only at the end that we finally find out; by then Jack has become a very sympathetic character, despite his previous misdeeds. Yet near the middle of the film we see Jack lash out violently at man who attacks one of his friends, hinting that there is still something somewhat sinister beneath Jack's shy exterior. Basically, Jack is a really interesting character, and this is a really interesting film. I loved it. ****

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