Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The Aristocrats

THE ARISTOCRATS (2005) - May 31, 2005
A stupid, boring, trainwreck of a movie. It is very rare that I'm this bored during a movie, but it was excruciating, especially towards the end. The movie consists entirely of comedians telling and talking about one, very very unfunny joke. The joke isn't funny and most of the comedians admit it -- it's essentially just a juvenile sort of game of trying to be more disgusting than the last guy. And it's fine, I guess; if someone told it to me at a party or something I'd smile and perhaps even chuckle. But after the thirtieth or fortieth time it became incredibly repetitive, and such an ordeal to sit through. Plus we have to hear about the history of the stupid joke, and the many many MANY nuances of telling it - I DON'T CARE. This isn't interesting. Shut up, all of you. This may be useful to aspiring comedians on a technical level, but aside from that I don't see how it's supposed to be entertainment. It doesn't help that the film's rapid-fire editing style rarely allows a single person to talk for more than five seconds or so. It feels like the editor had ADD, and was constantly getting bored with his own footage (though I can't say I blame him). Towards the end it got quite oppressive, like listening to the same bad song on loop for ninety minutes. This was a terrible movie and I hated almost every second of it. ZERO STARS

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