Saturday, June 04, 2005

The Longest Yard

THE LONGEST YARD (2005) - June 4, 2005
Adam Sandler stars in this film about a disgraced former NFL player who gets another chance to play football when he finds himself in prison. This is definitely one of Adam Sandler's worst films. For one thing it is completely plotless -- the whole film consists of the preparation for the game, and then the game itself (which goes on far longer than it should, but then that can be said of the whole movie, which is way overlong). It would have been nice if there were at least a couple of good characters; Sandler's character is way underdeveloped, and the rest of the people are essentially not developed at all (which is surprising given how long the movie is). It would have also been nice if the movie had been funny, but aside from a couple of chuckles there aren't many laughs to be found here. Plus something happens right before the big game which seems unnecessarily harsh for a cheesy movie like this. But if there's one thing I can say about this movie, it's always nice to see Sully from Commando on the big screen. **

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