Sunday, May 15, 2005

Time of the Wolf

TIME OF THE WOLF (2003) - May 15, 2005
A slow-paced (putting it mildly) film about a bunch of characters in some kind of post-apocalyptic society. Michael Haneke makes the interesting (but not necessarily entertaining) choice to leave the viewer completely in the dark about pretty much everything -- the characters are not developed in the least, and their situation is pretty much a complete mystery. And there's no plot whatsoever. Essentially, the movie begins, some stuff of little to no significance happens, and then it ends. By the end of the movie we barely know the characters any better than when it started. The film was well made, I suppose, and it's never entirely boring. And it is sort of interesting to just be thrust into this world and watch as these characters (who we never get to know, really) interact with nothing particularly important happening. But it's not really very entertaining. And sort of pointless, too. **1/2

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