Wednesday, May 04, 2005

House of Wax

HOUSE OF WAX (2005) - May 4, 2005
I absolutely hated this movie. It was atrociously bad. I honestly cannot think of a single thing that was good about it. It was badly made, it was unpleasant, it was boring, it was slow-paced (it takes about an hour for the first person to get killed). The "characters" were all just cliches -- the party girl, the black guy (who says stuff like "awww yeah!" and calls people "dog"), the wacky guy, the main slasher-movie girl (the one who runs up the stairs when she should be running out of the house), the bad-ass with a heart of gold. The whole movie was essentially a rip-off of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake, which was also terrible. And it was all so stupid. And so unpleasant! So very unpleasant. Who is supposed to enjoy this movie? What's enjoyable about it? Someone needs to explain that to me. ZERO STARS

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