Sunday, February 06, 2011


STONE (2010) - Feb. 6, 2011
A surprisingly good film about a soon-to-retire parole officer who finds himself mixed up with a prisoner and his wife.  Robert De Niro gives what is probably one of his better performances of late, though he's still a shadow of his former self (it's sad that out of Edward Norton, Milla Jovovich and Robert De Niro, it's De Niro that gives the weakest performance -- by far).  Despite that, the scenes between De Niro and Norton are pretty great, and it's kind of fascinating trying to figure out who's playing who and who knows what.  The whole thing builds to an ending that's ambiguous, but kind of perfect.  John Curran's assured direction goes a long way towards making the film as effective as it is, as does the moody, ominous score (apparently by Jon Brion and members of Radiohead).  The film isn't exactly a thriller, but it has a slow-burning intensity that keeps you on the edge of your seat despite the more deliberate pace.  ***1/2

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