Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I'm Still Here

I'M STILL HERE (2010) - Feb. 15, 2011
A mockumentary about Joaquin Phoenix's decision to stop acting, and to pursue a rap career, I'm not entirely sure what the point of this film was.  It's vaguely amusing, but clearly not going for Spinal Tap-esque laughs.  It doesn't have anything particularly insightful or interesting to say about the nature of celebrity or the effect that being in the limelight has on a person (unless the point is supposed to be that it makes you completely nutso).  Just in terms of the story it's telling, it's not particularly compelling.  The character Phoenix plays is more grating than anything else, spending the whole film alternately whining and mumbling.  So... what's the point, exactly?  *1/2

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