Sunday, February 20, 2011

I Spit on Your Grave

I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE (2010) - Feb. 20, 2011
An intense, well made and kind of unpleasant film about a woman who is brutally gang-raped, and who then seeks elaborate vengeance on her rapists.  The brutal rape scene probably goes on a bit longer than it needs to (I think it could have been a few minutes shorter and still had the same impact).  One of my bigger issues with the film is the stuff immediately following the rape; the film bafflingly shifts its focus entirely to the rapists, and since we don't particularly know or care about these characters, seeing their post-rape lives just feels unnecessary.  It would have been much more interesting to see how the main character recovered from her ordeal, something which we don't get to see at all -- after the crime, we only see the girl from the rapists' point of view.  **1/2

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