Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ong Bak 3

ONG BAK 3 (2010) - Feb. 20, 2011
A direct sequel to the mediocre but passable Ong Bak 3, this was an almost incomprehensible mess of a film.  I know there were supposedly some behind-the-scenes issues, which must be true because there is no possible way that anyone involved could have wanted the film to turn out the way it did.  The characters are non-existent, the plot barely makes sense, and the whole thing has zero narrative momentum, lurching haphazardly from scene to scene (scenes will often begin with no explantation as to what's going on, and will then end arbitrarily).  Much of the film consists of random Buddhist philosophy, and there's an interminably long strech in which Tony Jaa tries to recover from having most of his bones broken (including a lot of philosophy and dancing).  Seriously, so bad.  Even the action, which should have been the saving grace, is passable but mediocre (and far from abundant).  Boo-urns.  1/2*

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