Saturday, February 19, 2011


SPIRAL (2007) - Feb. 19, 2011
After the awesome Frozen and the terrible Hatchet, I wasn't sure what to think of Adam Green.  Well, I guess he's okay, because this was pretty good -- it's definitely not even close to Frozen, but it's a lot better than Hatchet.  About an artistic loner who is slowly befriended by a coworker, the film was obviously made on a small budget and looks pretty low-budgety, but for the most part is pretty well made, with good performances (particularly Amber Tamblyn and Zachary Levi).  It's a bit slow, though never boring.  The whole time I was thinking that I had the movie figured out, and at the end, there was the twist I was expecting -- but then the movie managed to catch me completely off guard with a second twist that I found to be completely unexpected.  I was thinking I'd give this movie two-and-a-half, but the film did such a good job of playing with my expectations with that second twist that I think I have to bump it up.  ***

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