Monday, April 09, 2012

Tiny Furniture

TINY FURNITURE (2010) - April 9, 2012
A well made film about a girl, just returned from university, who moves back in with her mom and sister, and who struggles to find a place for herself in the world.  There's something very relatable about a character struggling with what to do with her life, though it's hard to feel too sorry for a 22-year-old in this position (I think perhaps being a few years her senior and yet being in roughly the same position made me a bit bitter towards the film).  The biggest problem here (aside from my aforementioned bitterness) was that none of the characters surrounding writer-director-star Lena Dunham are particularly likeable, so it's kind of a drag spending 90 minutes with them.  But this is definitely an accomplished first film (particularly considering the budget) so I look forward to what Dunham comes up with next.  **1/2

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