Monday, April 23, 2012

Jack and Jill

JACK AND JILL - April 23
I seriously need to just stop watching Adam Sandler's films.  At least I saw this one at home rather than theatrically, and thus was able to play with my phone in an attempt to fight off the film's mind-numbing tedium.  About a guy who must contend with his visiting "wacky" twin sister (with both roles being played by Sandler).  Though it wasn't quite as aggravatingly dull as Grown Ups, it still managed to be just as bad, and just as painfully unfunny.  With some comedies they don't even need to be laugh-out-loud funny if they're entertaining enough and you enjoy spending time with the characters.  But there's no attempt at fleshing out the characters or story beyond what's absolutely necessary -- it's just (terrible) gag after gag, followed by some completely unearned third act drama.  So seriously, who finds this funny?  I guess they must be out there, since Sandler's movies still do pretty well.  I need to sit one of those people down and get them to explain what's supposed to be funny here, because I just don't get it.  1/2*

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