Saturday, April 14, 2012

American Reunion

AMERICAN REUNION (2012) - April 14, 2012
A surprisingly bad sequel about the old gang getting back together for a high school reunion.  Not that I particularly remember any of the previous American Pie films, but I do remember them at least being entertaining, and this movie dragged pretty heavily at times; I was quite bored.  It didn't help that the writing was surprisingly awful -- every character had the dullest, most predictable arc possible.  Seriously, was this much melodrama really necessary in an American Pie film?  I could have overlooked all that if the film had been consistantly hilarious, but the comic set-pieces pretty much all fell flat (I saw the film with a packed crowd, and many moments that were presumably supposed to be hilarious were met with silence).  I got exactly one big laugh from the film, and it was from a throw-away line from John Cho (whose too-brief presence was easily the highlight).  *1/2

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