Wednesday, June 16, 2010


KILLERS (2010) - June 16, 2010
Oh man.  Further proof that Robert Luketic is a complete hack who shouldn't be allowed within ten feet of a camera.  About a woman who realizes that her husband is actually an assassin, and an audience who realizes that they just wasted their time and money and should have just watched True Lies again instead.  The film starts out mediocre but sort of watchable, but as soon as the action starts kicking in, Luketic's deficiencies as a director become woefully apparent (this is a film that features the action movie trifecta -- car chases, fist-fights, and shootouts -- and somehow manages to make it all so dull and boring).  It doesn't help that Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigl have almost no chemistry, and are both pretty bad in their roles -- Kutcher is never convincing as a expertly trained killer, and Heigl is just shrill.  Plus, the two spend much of the latter half of the movie bickering in the most grating way imaginable.  And the notion that pretty much every single person that the couple knows are all actually hired assassins stretches credibility to its very breaking point.  Man, this movie made me angry.  Oh, I should mention that seeing Tom Selleck back on the big screen in his full mustachioed glory was pretty sweet.  I have no other good things to say about this movie.  *

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