Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Grown Ups

GROWN UPS (2010) - June 30, 2010
Jesus.  Almost absurdly boring, this was almost certainly Adam Sandler's worst film -- he's made sillier films, stupider films, and films that were even more painfully unfunny, but he's never made one that was quite this boring, or quite this dull.  Esentially just a series of vignettes revolving around a group of old friends getting together for the weekend, there was just nothing interesting about these characters or the way they interacted.  They certainly seemed to be having a good time, with a good chunk of the movie consisting of reaction shots of the various characters laughing at their own jokes -- but none of this merriment translates over to the audience.  It just doesn't work.  The characters never become people we particularly care about, so the whole thing winds up feeling like watching a home video with high production values -- it's just people I don't know or care about having a good time.  There came a point, I guess about an hour into the film, where it felt like things should be wrapping up.  But it just kept going, and going, and going (AND GOING) and it was interminable.  *

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