Monday, April 26, 2004

Home on the Range

HOME ON THE RANGE (2004) - April 26, 2004
A kiddie but mostly entertaining cartoon. Not exactly a fitting end to Disney's 60+ year legacy of making traditionally animated films, but I'm not convinced that this is really the end. I'm sure in a couple of years when a couple of CG cartoons flop, they'll announce the triumphant return of Disney to traditional animation and make a lot of money cashing in. Anyway, this was essentially a cute movie, with good performances all around and good animation. Even at under 90 minutes it still felt a bit long, but it was never boring or anything. About a group of three plucky cows who go on an adventure to save their farm. Because of the movie's flat look, the instances of 3D animation seemed more out of place than usual. Oh well. Brother Bear would have been a better swan song, but this will have to do. **1/2

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