Thursday, March 03, 2011

Let Me In

LET ME IN (2010) - Mar. 3, 2011
About... well, about the exact same thing Let the Right One In was about (it's an extremely faithful remake -- perhaps to a fault) this was a well made film that just felt a little too samey to ever really get into.  Though there were a few changes here and there (plus the change of setting to 1980s USA), for the most part this felt so similar to Let the Right One In that I'm a little confused as to why it even needs to exist.  Why put so much time and effort and talent into something that essentially boils down to a very handsomely made photocopy?  Something that does very, very little that the original didn't already do?  Director Matt Reeves is obviously quite talented, but this just seems like a waste of his time.  **

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