Friday, November 21, 2008

Home Movie

HOME MOVIE (2008) - Nov. 21, 2008
Another entry in the "found footage" horror subgenre, this was about a couple, living in the middle of nowhere, who begin to realize that their kids may just be evil. The film refreshingly features a lot less shaky-cam than other movies of its ilk, with the camera on a tripod for much of the time. The performances were a bit spotty -- Adrian "Nathan Patrelli" Pasdar (sporting a huge, ridiculous goatee) was quite good as the husband, however the woman playing his wife didn't fare quite as well. The movie was pretty much entertaining all the way through, though it suffered from a bit of repetitiveness, especially in the first half (ie. the kids do something terrible and borderline evil -- usually involving one of the family's many, many pets -- and the parents are horrified. This repeats itself several times). There comes a point at which it starts to really stretch credibility that the parents would still be willing to live in the middle of nowhere with these kids, as they're clearly psychopaths. **1/2

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