Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

THE LIFE AQUATIC WITH STEVE ZISSOU (2004) - July 22, 2007 (Third Viewing)
Pure awesomeness. This seems to have been acknowledged as a lesser Wes Anderson film, though I can't say I understand why. It is almost inexplicably good, and I think it is pretty close to being a perfect movie. I know that sounds hyperbolic, but it's true. I can't think of a single fault. Wes Anderson's stylized direction has never been better; it's remarkable how consistently good this film looks. Anderson's style suits the material perfectly. It's also exceptionally well written -- it's funny when it needs to be, and dramatic when it needs to be, and always manages to strike a perfect balance between the two. A common complaint about this film seems to be that it's all style, and I find that to be complete hogwash. It's stylish, yes, but it also contains a surfiet of well-realized and memorable characters. Every role is perfectly cast, and even those without much screentime, such as Jeff Goldblum or Michael Gambon, manage to leave a lasting impression. Basically: I love this movie. I think it's Anderson's best, and I don't see how he could possibly top it, though he's certainly up to the task. ****

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