Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Man of the Year

MAN OF THE YEAR (2006) - Oct. 11, 2006
A decent but sort of mediocre film by Barry Levinson about a Jon Stewart-esque comedian who decides to run for president (and wins). The performances were good, and the whole thing was affable enough for the first hour or so, if nothing too great, but things went downhill in the second half. It was definitely too long by at least half an hour; it really starts to drag towards the end. Plus there's a bunch of time spent with Laura Linney's character, a lot of which seems superfluous (the stuff towards the end where the film suddenly turns into a political thriller was out of place and unnecessary). The movie would have probably been better off focusing more on the stuff with Robin Williams, and less on the whole vote-count conspiracy thing (or not at all on the vote-count conspiracy thing, it was pretty stupid). **1/2

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