Friday, September 08, 2006

Lights in the Dusk

LIGHTS IN THE DUSK (2006) - Sept. 8, 2006
I can't help but feel a bit disappointed by this, Aki Kaurismaki's first film since the excellent The Man without a Past. About a sad-sack security guard who aims for something higher, the main problem is that the film, and all the characters within it, are deadpan to a ridiculous degree. No one in the film seems to have any reaction other than a sort of curious disdain. When, towards the end of the film, the protagonist cracks a big smile, it seems weird and out of place. That's not to say that the film was bad; it was really well directed, and the performances were actually quite good, particularly the main guy (and that's no small feat, considering the narrow range of emotions he had to work with). **1/2

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