Thursday, September 14, 2006

Black Book

BLACK BOOK (2006) - Sept. 14, 2006
A really well made, entertaining film about a Polish Jew in Germany, and her struggles to survive during World War II, eventually joining the resistance. She infiltrates Nazi headquarters by wooing a high-ranking German officer, and finds herself falling in love with him. The film was almost two and a half hours long but doesn't feel long at all -- my interest didn't wane for a second, which is rare for a movie of this length. The film was really well directed by Paul Verhoeven, and is a good companion piece for the equally excellent Soldier of Orange. It also features an outstanding lead performance from Carice van Houten (and in fact all the performances were really good). This is Verhoeven's first film in six years; I hope it isn't another six for the next one. ****

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