Monday, December 26, 2005

March of the Penguins

MARCH OF THE PENGUINS (2005) - Dec. 26, 2005
A good, if a bit overrated documentary about penguins and the insane amount of trouble they have to go through to procreate. Director Luc Jacquet keeps things interesting visually, but after a while the movie starts to feel a bit repetitive (I guess the penguins can be blamed for that, as they basically just go back and forth from the breeding grounds to the ocean). Even at a short 85 minutes the film feels long, though it was definitely never all-out boring. It's definitely interesting just watching all the different things the penguins have to do to protect their children, and Morgan Freeman's soothing voice proves to be the perfect accompaniment to the visuals. And certainly, the scene where the mother penguin tries to nudge awake her frozen-to-death child was one of the more heartbreaking things I've seen in a while. ***

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