Sunday, December 18, 2005

Jingle all the Way

JINGLE ALL THE WAY (1996) - Dec. 18, 2005 (Third Viewing? Fourth?)
An underrated Christmas gem. I'm really not sure why this film gets such a bad rap. Sure, it's really silly, especially towards the end (okay, I'll admit the last little bit with the parade is pretty stupid), but it's just so enjoyable end entertaining. And then of course there's Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is pretty much perfect as the harried father trying to get a toy at the last minute, and whose performance is a big part of why the film is as enjoyable as it is. He definitely has a knack for comedy, and if he ever gets out of politics and back into acting, hopefully he'll do a few more comedies, since he is getting a bit old for action movies. ***

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