Wednesday, October 19, 2005


DOOM (2005) - Oct. 19, 2005
Now this was just a bad movie. Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad. Even by videogame movie standards this was bad, and that's saying something. It was just boring, and unpleasant and bland. There weren't any even remotely decent characters. I don't think there was a single line of dialogue in the entire movie that felt real, and wasn't expository to some degree. It was terrible. The entire movie was dark, probably to hide the mediocre special effects and shoddy sets, all of which looked fake. It was barely gory at all. Even the much lauded first-person sequence was pretty crappy, basically amounting to something akin to a badly done fun-house ride at a carnival. I hate this movie because it gives videogames a bad name, even though I've rarely (if ever) played any games this bad, and this inept. 1/2*

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