Friday, March 18, 2005

The Ring Two

THE RING TWO (2005) - Mar. 18, 2005
While I'm glad this movie wasn't even remotely as scary as the first one (which messed me up for months), it would have been nice if it had been just a little bit scary. Or if it had been good. Unfortunately, this movie is neither scary or good, and is pretty much inferior to the original in every possible way. The opening sequence pretty much sets the stage for what's to come, as it's strikingly similar to the opening sequence of the first film, only not good. Where the opening of the first one was super-suspensful, and pretty electrifying, this one was just cheesy. In fact, that's a pretty good way to describe the whole movie: cheesy. It didn't help that it was really slow-paced, and dragged in parts. The first movie was slow too, but it used that pace to set up an atmosphere of constant dread. This one was just boring. A bizarre cameo from Gary Cole was probably the highlight of the film, but aside from that this was pretty much a wash. **

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