Tuesday, March 29, 2005

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

THE LIFE AQUATIC WITH STEVE ZISSOU (2004) - Mar. 29, 2005 (Second Viewing)
A masterpiece. Definitely up there with Wes Anderson's best films. Like all of his films, it's really rich and improves on repeat viewings. I definitely liked it even more this time. It's certainly one of the best looking movies I've ever seen. Visually, from the intricate set designs to Wes Anderson's dazzling direction, it's definitely something to behold. I don't think there's a single shot in this movie that isn't impressive to look at. I could watch this movie on mute and still be entertained the whole time. So basically, even if it had nothing else going for it, it would be worth it for the visuals alone. Fortunately, it has a lot else going for it. The script is just as sharp as we have come to expect from Anderson. The characters are all really well developed and become people we really care about. The film is at times funny, touching and exciting. The performances are all really good, particularly Bill Murray and Owen Wilson. But most of all the film is just a joy to watch from start to finish; you certainly get the sense when you're watching it that you're watching something special, and something that will be remembered for years to come. ****

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