Saturday, January 15, 2005


PAPARAZZI (2004) - Jan. 15, 2005
A stupid movie. As a thriller it fails horribly -- there are very few thrills to be found here. The "characters" are all ultra-underdeveloped, and the four paparazzi who stalk Cole Hauser are essentially cartoons. I haven't seen such outright evil characters since Donald Sutherland killed a cat by headbutting it in 1900. Tom Sizemore, in particular, is ridiculously over-the-top as the leader of the gang, making some of his other performances seem subtle in comparison. Though the movie is essentially terrible, it moves along at a reasonably fast pace and is never really boring. But the movie is so incredibly cheesy, I find it hard to believe that anyone involved actually believed they were making a good movie. I suspect that it may one day become something of a cult classic, under the "it's so bad it's good" category. **

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