Sunday, October 24, 2004

I ♥ Huckabees

I ♥ HUCKABEES (2004) - Oct. 24, 2004
David O. Russell's first film since Three Kings, and while it's certainly not as good as that film, it was still quite enjoyable. About a couple of existential detectives, and the impact they have on the lives of a few people. There is a lot of philosophy in the film, but unlike something like Waking Life it never feels forced or shoehorned into the movie. All of the performances were really good -- six years after Rushmore, Jason Schwartzman finally gives another really good performance. The movie was, of course, really well written and directed, and was very entertaining throughout. It was a unique film, and it worked, partially because all the characters were so good. ***1/2

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