Saturday, October 30, 2004

Dawn of the Dead

DAWN OF THE DEAD (2004) - Oct. 30, 2004
A mediocre zombie film. Though it gets off to a pretty good start, as soon as they get to the mall it's pretty much all downhill from there. The main problem was that none of the characters were very well developed at all, which was somewhat perplexing considering the lengthy and pointless downtime between the zombie scenes. And the zombie scenes themselves weren't very good, despite being quite violent. They were just sort of bland, like the director spent such a long time making sure it was sufficiently gory, he forgot that gore is not necessarily exciting in and of itself. It probably didn't help that I just kept thinking to myself "man, Shaun of the Dead was SO much better than this." But it was, it really was. This movie just took itself too seriously, and seemed to be under the impression that these zombies were scary, which they were not. Which could have been forgiven had there been a single decent character. But there were none to be found here, unfortunately. **

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