Saturday, July 17, 2004

The Enforcer

THE ENFORCER (1951) - July 17, 2004
A mediocre crime thriller. Humphrey Bogart plays a cop going after a gang of hitmen. Hurt by awkward structure (pretty much the whole thing was a flashback, with the occasional flashback within a flashback) and occasionally weak dialogue. Humphrey Bogart was good, of course, but he didn't have all that much to do as he wasn't even there in over half of the flashbacks. Plus the movie seems to be operating under the bizarre assumption that the whole idea of hitmen is something new and unheard of (Bogart and his partner even spend a chunk of the movie trying to figure out what the words "hit" and "contract" mean), which I don't think was the case even back in 1951. **1/2

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