Wednesday, July 21, 2004


CATWOMAN (2004) - July 21, 2004
The anti-Spider-Man 2. Quite possibly the worst comic book movie ever. It's as if the guys at DC were like "hey, after stuff like Spider-Man, Hellboy and X-Men, comic book movies are getting too respectable. Let's Batman and Robin it up!" Everything about this movie was just awful; from the ridiculous S&M-inspired costume to Halle Barry's annoyingly over-the-top performance. The action was terribly directed, the characters were all cliches, and the plot was stupid. After McG, Tarsem and Kaos, Pitof continues the tradition of terrible one-name directors. And the worst thing is that most people are going to think that Catwoman - the comic book character - is this cheesy, when in reality they share a name and nothing else. I just don't get how a movie like this gets made. Didn't anyone involved read the script? Didn't they see the costume? I don't get it. And I was so sure that King Arthur was going to be the worst movie of the summer. 1/2*

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