Friday, May 04, 2012

The Avengers

THE AVENGERS (2012) - May 4, 2012
A mostly enjoyable if somewhat disappointing film about the Avengers coming together to ward off an intergalactic menace.  The film was never boring (well, maybe a bit during the epic final action sequence), but at the same time I was never really into it like with the Spider-Man or Nolan's Batman films.  However, it was well made, and obviously Joss Whedon has proved at this point that he's fairly adept at mixing character stuff with action -- and, as you would expect from a Whedon film, there is a fair amount of banter and humour (which are probably some of the best parts of the film).  I don't know what the deal is with Whedon's obsession with killing off the most likable characters, however.  Seriously, Joss.  Come on.  The film was good, though, if not quite the superhero masterpiece that it's being made out to be.  And I have to say, I never thought we'd reach a point where the spectacular large-scale destruction of a city would seem routine, however we've seen so many CGI cities get pulverized at this point that it's starting to feel a bit generic.  The last action set-piece was a bit of a drag (though it did contain a hilariously memorable moment involving a showdown betweek Loki and the Hulk).  ***

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