Saturday, March 31, 2012

Killer Elite

KILLER ELITE (2011) - March 31, 2012
A disappointing film about an ex-special agent who is forced out of retirement when his mentor is kidnapped.  There's little doubt that this film was misleadingly marketed -- made to look like a full-out action film when it's really a spy thriller with some action thrown in.  However, it's hard to fault a movie for its own poor marketing.  I can, however, fault it for being plodding and flat-out dull, with some clunky dialogue and unengaging spy shenanigns.  Though the film was competently made, the action was a bit iffy and the spy stuff was kind of bland, and all-in-all the movie just takes itself too seriously.  Though the novelty of seeing De Niro (briefly) kick ass was almost worth the price of admission alone.  **

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