Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hatchet II

HATCHET II (2011) - Jan. 29, 2012
Continuing right where the last film left off, this one sees a group of hunters heading back into the swamp in an effort to kill Victor Crowley.  Like the first one, this one had a bafflingly low-rent, flat, TV movie-esque style that really did not do the film any favours.  It also eschews anything even remotely resembling tension or suspense.  On the plus side, there didn't seem to be quite as much cringe-worthy humour this time (though there's still a fair amount), and there's lots of wildly over-the-top practical gore effects -- the one thing that this series really seems to have going for it.  Honestly, maybe it's my lack of experience with '80s slasher films, but the appeal of these movies (aside from the gore) just goes right over my head.  Is the gore the sole appeal?  **

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