Monday, April 18, 2011

The Horde

THE HORDE (2009) - Apr. 18, 2011
A kind of lousy zombie movie about a group of cops who go to a run-down apartment building to get revenge for a murdered friend, only to find themselves in the middle of some serious zombie shenanigans (and forced to work together with the criminals they came to kill).  The film isn't bad per se; it's just aggresively mediocre, with pretty much nothing here we haven't seen before in many other zombie films (and videogames -- there's a pretty strong Left 4 Dead vibe here).  The characters are unlikeable and completely underdeveloped, with the bland actors doing nothing to overcome these deficiencies.  The film is competantly directed but marred by muddy, vaguely unpleasant cinematography.  The whole thing just basically feels like a waste of 90 minutes.  **

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