Friday, October 09, 2009

Capitalism: A Love Story

CAPITALISM: A LOVE STORY (2009) - Oct. 9, 2009
An almost absurdly boring film about why Michael Moore thinks capitalism is a flawed system. Although it actually starts off fairly well, the repetitive nature of the film along with the emphasis on sermonizing over actual human stories eventually completely wore me down. I was almost ridiculously bored by the time the movie finally lumbered to its conclusion (at just about two hours, the film felt WAY overlong). In fact, when it became clear that the movie was wrapping up, I could feel my heart start to beat faster -- the notion of being able to leave that theatre was quite exciting to me. This movie has definitely confirmed that I hate Michael Moore; not because of his politics, but because he is a hack filmmaker. He's all style, with seemingly no knowledge of stuff like pacing or storytelling -- he's the Michael Bay of documentarians. All he cares about is getting his message across, which invariably happens within the first half hour or so. After that, it's like listening to the same song on loop over and over again. 1/2*

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