Saturday, August 22, 2009

Inglourious Basterds

INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS (2009) - Aug 22, 2009
After the disappointing Death Proof, there was really no where to go but up for Tarantino, and this is definitely a big step up. Though a far cry from what the marketing -- and Tarantino himself -- would have you believe (that this is a "men on a mission" movie), this was a really well made, super talky, and occasionally riveting film. Featuring distinctively Tarantinoian dialogue, there was an awful lot of talking in this film -- it was all quite good, though not quite up to par with his best work (ie. Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction). I was certainly never bored, though, and even at slightly over two and a half hours, it didn't feel long at all. The performances were all quite good (particularly Brad Pitt as the boisterous Aldo Raine, and Christoph Waltz as the sinister "Jew hunter"), and Tarantino's direction was top-notch, as usual. ***1/2

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