Thursday, May 21, 2009

Terminator 2: Judgment Day

TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY (1991) - May 21, 2009 (Sixth or Seventh Viewing)
Pretty much a perfect sequel, this is one of those rare sequels to a really good movie that actually manages to top the original. The budget for this film is clearly much, much larger than for the first -- the action sequences are expectedly larger-than-life without ever coming off as overblown. Sequences such as the one in which the T-1000 pursues a moped-riding John Connor in a gigantic truck easily rank among the best action sequences of all time. But all that explosive action never comes at the price of the characters -- even if there were no action in this film, it would have still been really good just because the dramatic stuff is so well done. I mean, who doesn't get a bit choked up when the Terminator sacrifices himself at the end, giving the thumbs up as he descends into the lava? A robot, that's who. ****

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