Saturday, October 11, 2008

Perfect Blue

PERFECT BLUE (1998) - Oct. 11, 2008
Well, now that I've seen all four of Satoshi Kon's films, I can say without hesitation that the man has talent up the yin-yang. This was an exceptionally well made film about a young pop star who decides to make the transition from singer to actress. As her role in a film starts to parallel her own life, and a website started by an obsessed fan seems to get more and more personal, the lines between what's real and what isn't start to blur. The film is splendidly directed by Kon, who does an excellent job of allowing the viewer to get inside the main character's head, as well as creating a pretty tense atmosphere throughout. This is also definitely the type of film that seems like it would benefit from repeat viewings (which seems to be the case with pretty much all of Kon's films), as not everything is spelled out for the viewer, with the conclusion putting many of the events of the film in a whole new light. Good stuff. ***1/2

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