Saturday, September 27, 2008

Eagle Eye

EAGLE EYE (2008) - Sept. 27, 2008
About a man and woman who are both thrust into some serious shenanigans after receiving phone calls from a mysterious and sinister woman. I can see why it's getting a bit of a critical drubbing -- this is a seriously silly thriller that just gets sillier as it goes along, and which pretty much requires you to check your brain at the door. It's also just as derivative as people are making it out to be. But you know, I still somehow managed to enjoy it. Not sure why. Aside from being a bit overlong, I thought it was pretty entertaining throughout, and well directed by DJ Caruso (with the exception of the car chases, which were a bit more choppily edited than I would have liked). It's not a classic by any means, but I can certainly think of worse ways to spend a couple of hours. ***

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