Monday, November 05, 2007

Lions for Lambs

LIONS FOR LAMBS (2007) - Nov. 5, 2007
Less a movie and more a ham-fisted screed, this had to be one of the preachiest movies I've seen in a long time. I'm talking Michael Moore levels of preachiness. There wasn't a single character here who felt authentic, or who wasn't there to put across some point of view. Matthew Michael Carnahan, who wrote this year's equally mediocre The Kingdom, is quickly shaping up to be a really terrible writer, and has absolutely no idea how to create characters who are interesting or seem real in the slightest. The film is reasonably well directed and very well acted, but it's all pretty much moot, as there is only the vaguest pretense here that this is anything but a blatant political statement. **

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