Wednesday, July 12, 2006

You, Me and Dupree

YOU, ME AND DUPREE (2006) - July 12, 2006
First off, I should say that I just don't buy Matt Dillon as a romantic lead. I've got nothing against him, I think he's a good actor, but he's just wrong for this type of part. He just doesn't have the kind of charisma to pull it off (plus he's got kind of a sleazy vibe going). As for the other performances, Kate Hudson was fine, and Owen Wilson was Owen Wilson. The movie itself was a predictable, unfunny, overlong bore. It wasn't good. It was flatly directed, and filled with cliches. Of course, it's hard not to wallow in cliches in a genre as well-worn as the romantic comedy; the trick is to make it feel fresh even when it's not. This did not feel fresh. *1/2

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