Wednesday, June 21, 2006


CLICK (2006) - June 21, 2006
About a man who finds himself in possession of a "universal" remote that can pause, fastforward and even skip time, this was a decent movie. The big problem was that the first half wasn't all that great; though the concept sounds pretty foolproof on paper, it just wasn't all that interesting (for the first half at least). But then at some point, a bit more than half-way through the movie, the tone changes pretty drastically, from silly comedy to something quite a bit more serious. Though it got somewhat melodramatic, this section of the movie was pretty good (a lot more Twilight Zone-y and a lot less silly). Plus, Adam Sandler gave a surprisingly good performance (though I guess I shouldn't be too surprised considering how good he was in PDL). It was essentially entertaining throughout, but yeah. A bit uneven. Plus, the absence of the two Sandler regulars was definitely felt. Where were they? **1/2

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