Saturday, February 11, 2006

She's Having a Baby

SHE'S HAVING A BABY (1988) - Feb. 11, 2006
Made by John Hughes (in the '80s, when he was still good), starring Kevin Bacon and featuring Alec Baldwin (in a way-too-small role), this film isn't quite as good as one might hope. It's certainly not bad, but it's definitely not in the same league as some of Hughes' classics. The performances were all really good, particularly Kevin Bacon. The main problem is that almost all the screen-time is given to Bacon's character, with Elizabeth McGovern's character hardly being developed at all. This makes it sort of hard to root for their relationship, particularly since they spend most of the movie fighting. I spent a good chunk of the movie wondering why Kevin Bacon's character didn't just leave. I guess Hughes was trying to go for a less conventional sort of vibe, but it would have been nice to have a little more evidence that the two characters actually loved (or even liked) each other. **1/2

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