Sunday, August 14, 2005

Wedding Crashers

WEDDING CRASHERS (2005) - Aug. 14, 2005
A criminally overlong romantic comedy about a couple of guys who crash weddings to meet girls. The problem with this film was that it almost felt like two different movies at times; there was the wacky stuff (the whole beginning sequence, and pretty much everything with Vince Vaughn) and then there was the played out, and really tired romantic comedy stuff with Owen Wilson and Rachel McAdams (Wilson and McAdams were both good, particularly McAdams, but all their stuff was just so routine). But it was still pretty much entertaining for a while, but then there was the requisite fake breakup, and sweet Jesus! It went on for what felt like an hour. The fake breakup should last no longer than five minutes, max, and this one had to have been at least half an hour. They even threw in a second fake breakup with Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson, where it looks like they won't be friends anymore. This section of the film was boring and pointless. But then there was Vince Vaughn, who gave one of his best and funniest performances in years, and was easily the highlight of the film. There should have been more Vince Vaughn and less of the tired romantic comedy stuff. **

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